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EPPP Community

EPPP feels fortunate to have established a positive community of learners, educators, psychologists, social workers, principals, and administrators who are committed to the notion of, "Thinking globally, but acting locally." These talented and engaging individuals have joined us from universities across the United States, Canada and Caribbean. 

Far Exceeded My Expectations


Posted by Cassie Bailey, Sam Houston State University 

2019 EcuadorPPP Participant


I have studied abroad before. The summer before my junior year of college I went to Seville, Spain to take several classes to fulfill my requirements for my Bachelor’s degree in Spanish. Yet, I learned more in the two weeks I spent in Ecuador than the 6 weeks I spent in Spain. My experiences in Ecuador far exceeded my expectations, and I formed friendships that will last a lifetime. Not only did I make friends with others in the program, I befriended various Ecuadorian people with whom I continue to communicate. It was my experience that people in Ecuador are very friendly and always willing to help you out if you cannot think of a word in Spanish, for example. The Ecuador Professional Preparation Program seems to use Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development to give each participant the perfect balance between independence and guidance to ensure personal growth. Spanish classes and work responsibilities are tailored to each participant’s level of knowledge and personal goals. For example, my Spanish teacher is an English teacher by day and licensed psychologist by night (I continue to take classes with him online). He was able to create lesson plans that peaked my interest yet challenged me daily. Outside of work/classes we were given structure if we wanted, yet freedom to choose between activities or stay back if too tired to explore. The excitement and fast pace of trips and activities kept me interested in cultural learning experiences during the day until I laid my head on the pillow at night to pass out. I was always looking forward to future activities as the variation in schedule makes it impossible for someone to become bored. Additionally, Ecuadorian living is inexpensive, making it easy for the poor graduate student like me to splurge on activities (e.g., canyoning, white water rafting, horseback riding, salsa lessons, shopping, etc.) without breaking the bank. For a foodie, Ecuador can be a huge problem. The food is delicious and abundant. I bought fresh baked goods every morning for 20 cents; and what made my food addiction even more satisfying was that proceeds went to a local orphanage. You can get by each day spending less than $3 for lunch and breakfast and dinner were covered by host parents. My host parents were amazing and I cannot wait to return to see them. In addition to the 3 alpaca blankets, 2 alpaca sweatshirts, 2 alpaca scarves, 1 backpack, 1 fanny pack, 1 leather notebook, and 25 souvenirs, I returned with more experiences and Spanish knowledge than I ever could have learned in a graduate level class. In sum, I loved EPPP.




Abilene Christian University

Adelphi University

Alfred University

Appalachian State University

Boston University

Calgary University

California State University-Chico

California State University-Northridge

Chapman University

City University of New York-Brooklyn College

City University of New York-Queens College

East Carolina University

Farleigh Dickinson University

Florida Atlantic University

Florida State University

Florida Gulf Coast University

Fordham University

George Mason University

Georgia Southern University

Georgia State University

Hofstra University

Howard University

Indiana State University

Kean University

Kansas City University

LeMoyne College

Lesley University-Cambridge

Lewis and Clark University

Long Island University-Brooklyn

Loyola Marymount University

Loyola University of Chicago

Loyola University of Maryland

Michigan State University

Mississippi State University




North Arizona University

North Carolina A & T University 

Northeastern University

Nova Southeastern University

Ohio University

Pepperdine University

Philadephia College of Osteopathic Medicine

Radford University

Regis University

Roberts Wesleyan College

Saint John's University

San Diego State University

San Francisco State University

Sam Houston State University

Springfield College

Stanford University

State University of New York-Albany

State University of New York-Binghamton

State University of New York-Oswego

Suffolk University

Syracuse University

Teachers College, Columbia University

Temple University

Texas State University

Texas Womens University

University of Arizona

University of British Columbia-Vancouver

University at Buffalo

University of California- San Francisco

University of California-Santa Barbara

University of Chicago

University of Cincinnati

University of Colorado-Denver

University of Connecticut

University of Delaware




University of Denver

University of Florida

University of Georgia

University of Hartford

University of Indianapolis

University of Iowa

University of Manitoba-Winnepeg

University of Maryland-College Park

University of Massachusetts-Amherst

University of Massachusetts-Boston

University of Minnesota

University of Missouri

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

University of Nevada-Las Vegas

University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

University of Northern Colorado 

University of Oregon

University of Pennsylvania

University of Pittsburgh

University of Rhode Island

University of Southern California 

University of South Carolina

University of South Florida

University of Tennessee-Chattanooga

University of Texas-Austin

University of Toledo

University of Toronto

University of Washington

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Washington State University

Washington University of Saint Louis

Western Kentucky University

West Virginia University

Xavier University

Yeshiva University



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